Products designed to help you feel the Savior's love.

  • The Creator

    Hi! I'm Jessica Taufer. I create the art on this website, and the weekly illustrated Come Follow Me study guide pages/lesson plans. I love to be creative and design new ways to help people feel the love of the Savior through different art related items. I live in Lehi, Utah with my husband and three teenagers. It's really not about me though. It's about Christ. So please don't think about who created the images and just think about the Savior. I am not trying to get rich off of the items I sell on this website. My goal truly is to just help people feel the love of the Savior and have easy and inexpensive ways to share it with others.

  • The Backstory

    I have a background in marketing and graphic design, so it was right up my alley to start a free email list to send people weekly illustrated Come Follow Me study guide pages. The illustrations help people to focus better, myself included! I feel closer to God and am able to focus on gospel topics better when there is something to look at, such as a picture of Christ at the front of the room, or something I can hold like an illustrated hand out. It turns out I'm not alone! Now, my dream of creating LDS art and helping people feel the love of the Savior has become a reality with this website.

  • Contact

    I welcome your questions and comments!

    Please email me anytime-

    Jessica Taufer